Bulk Import User History - External History

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Bulk Import User History - External History

Administrators can utilize the Bulk Import History process to import external learning history for Users, such as from another platform or training completed outside of the LMS.

1.Download and complete the details of the Import User History - External History.

a.Enter User ID in the Client_User_Identifier column for each imported User history.

b.Enter the Login in the User_Identifier column for each imported User history.

c.Enter the remaining details on the template including FirstName, LastName, StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, CourseName and CourseVendorName for each imported User history record.  

TPArrowNote: The date and time format must be one that begins with an asterisk (*) that responds to changes in regional date and time settings that are specified for the operating system.

regional date setting

2.Navigate to Users > 3 dot menu > Import User History.

3.Select the Import Type External.

Import User History - External History Import Type

Import User History - External History Import Type


4.Click Select to browse for the downloaded Import User History - External History template.  

5.Click Upload to complete the history import.

ProdTip  Tip

Understand where and how the columns in the templates relate to the LMS user accounts:

Import User History - External History Template

Import User History - External History Template


1.Enter the User ID in the Client_User_Identifier column.

2.Enter Login credentials in the User_Identifier column where required.