Intellek Deliver Release Notes v2.2.1.0

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Intellek Deliver Release Notes v2.2.1.0

Bug Fixes – Version

Intellek Deliver Manager

Active Directory Organizations tree view expand/collapse display issue - resolved

Intellek Deliver Client

Internal Update:  erroneous entry in log file: 'WARNING - Error on deleting backup TACF’ - resolved

Program failing to re-display on a timed re-launch - resolved

Running Client prevents Windows from smoothly logging out - resolved

Client does not always initially appear in the Taskbar per setup setting - resolved

Extra checks to ensure the Client appears in the correct, expected place on the screen at startup.

Extra functionality added to check if User is in a Group. This is used as a fallback if the primary method fails.

Intellek Deliver Launch

Extra check to stop Client files from unnecessarily copying across from the network at launch. A date comparison check needed modifying. This should speed up the launch time.

TPArrow For the Intellek Deliver Launch update to take effect, you’ll need to publish a new MSI, but this is not mandatory.