Using Form Instruction Frames

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Using Form Instruction Frames

The Form instruction type allows users to select from either a predefined list of answers or enter free text to answer a question or provide information. The varied uses of a Form instruction make it somewhat different than the Text instruction. Form and Text instructions can be used in conjunction with each other to create robust, multipurpose content. Form instruction frames must be added and formatted from the Content Editor page.


1.In the Content Editor, click the FORM button at the top of the Instruction list panel.

TPArrowThe new Form instruction frame will be inserted after the active frame in the Instruction list panel.

2.The Form Editor pane (as shown in the graphic) provides several types of controls used to build the Form instruction frame:

Add Text. Used for question or statement text.

Add Radio. Used for multiple choice, single answer responses.

Add Checkbox. Used for true/false, yes/no, or multiple choice, multiple answer responses.

Add Input box. Used for users to provide free-form responses. This control could also be used to gather information, such as user name or email address.

Add Dropdown. Used to provide a pre-populated list of items from which users can select. For example, selecting a location.

3.For each control, once added, the Move (domino), Delete (trash can), and Edit (pencil) icons display to the left of each inserted control.

ExpandedAdd Text Control
ExpandedAdd Radio (Buttons) Control
ExpandedAdd Checkbox Control
ExpandedAdd Input box Control
ExpandedAdd Dropbox Control