Event-Specific Notifications

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Event-Specific Notifications

There are 3 types of Event notifications used to communicate with LMS users about their Events.

1.System-generated Event Notifications

2.Automated Notifications – Global (Events)

3.Event-Specific Notifications

System Generated Event Notifications

Event enrollees automatically receive system-generated Outlook appointment emails, updates and cancellation notifications related to their event enrollment. There is no configuration to disable this notification. These notifications rely on default system templates (i.e., Appointment - New, Appointment Update)

Automated Notifications – Global (Events)

Global Event-related automated notifications must first be enabled to generate email notifications. Automated notifications are configured to send out reminders based on your defined email templates, timing options and are dependent on users’ Event History status (i.e., Enrolled, No Show, Cancelled). When enabled, Automated Notifications are intended to be sent for every event and every time the notification rules are triggered.

Event-Specific Notifications – New Feature

Event-specific notifications can be added directly to a specific Event via Calendar > Edit/Event Detail > Notifications. Event-specific notifications can be used to send reminders regarding timing and details relating to an event or post-event information.  Configure and enable Event-specific notifications to send out notifications based on your defined email templates, timing options and dependent on users’ Event History status (i.e., Enrolled, No Show, Cancelled). Event-specific notification(s) override any previously configured Global Event Notification(s).

Adding an Event-Specific Notification to an Event in the Calendar

Navigate to Calendar > Edit/Event Details > Notifications.  

Select Notifications +

Identify the Notification Type

Event Attendee Notification – Event Start Date/Time (for notifications to users related to event enrollment and can be based on Event Enrollment status)

Event Contact Notification – Event Start Date/Time (for notifications to the Event Contacts)

User Notification - Certificate Assigned (only eligible when a Certificate has been aligned with the Event)

Select Schedules  +

Select a relevant template (created in Communications > Email Templates), for your notification.

Enable the notification by marking In Use

Select and APPLY one of two timing options from the Timing Option Type section.


Set to Send Notification xxx Before/After Start Date


Recurrence Time

Recurrence Pattern

Recurrence Range

Event-Specific Notification

Event-Specific Notification

TPArrowNote: Multiple event-specific notifications (reminders) can be created for an event if separate messages are required, for example if you want to send a message one week before the event, then, again one day before the event.

Event Notification Templates

The message text included in the event-specific notification is provided by your specified template (created in Communications > Email Templates). Create as many templates as you need for your Event-specific notifications. There are several Event variables that can be used to craft a personalized and relevant notification.  

See Course/Path/Event-Specific Notifications related to certificates