Setting Course Deliveries and Sub-Deliveries

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Setting Course Deliveries and Sub-Deliveries

Before adding Courses to the Library, the available Deliveries and Sub-deliveries should be reviewed. Deliveries and Sub-deliveries are primarily to provide end-users with search filter options to locate desired Courses. Therefore, keep this in mind when deciding the Deliveries and Sub-deliveries you create, modify, delete, and apply to Courses.

While we encourage you to streamline Deliveries and Sub-deliveries, if you have, or plan to purchase, Intellek Learn, the following Deliveries and Sub-deliveries can be renamed, but NOT deleted:

Deliveries = Application Simulation

Live Content

Sub-deliveries = Assessment


There are three default Deliveries graphics provided with the LMS:

Scheduled Course Delivery icon Scheduled (Instructor-led/Webinar) Events

eLearning Course Delivery icon eLearning Courses, Videos

Learning Path Course Delivery icon Learning Paths

You may choose to add graphics for Deliveries such as:  Documentation (i.e., PDFs, Word, or Excel files), Lunch and Learns, Webinars, or other commonly used deliveries that users might be interested in.

KeyInfo  Key Information

Graphics must be in .jpg or .png format.

See LMS Image Guidelines.

If you are using third-party images, make sure they are saved in the intended format.
If you need to convert them, ensure the proper format is selected.