Intellek Live Launch MSI

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Intellek Live Launch MSI

Intellek Live Launch MSI prior version - v5.80 available September 21, 2021

Intellek Live Launch MSI current version - v6.0 available June 8, 2022

Intellek Live Launch MSI current version - v6.1 available July 1, 2022

Intellek Live Launch MSI current version - v6.2 available January 26, 2023

Update: Upgrade to .Net 6.0, removal of Splash Screen.

Intellek Live Launch MSI current version - v6.3 available May 4, 2023

Intellek Live Launch MSI current version - v6.4 available May 30, 2024

Update checklist

Download the Intellek Live Launch MSI. (or copy to your browser: This program allows Intellek Create authors to preview and capture controls when creating content and for users to seamlessly launch content created in Intellek Create.

Install the new MSI to a test group on the network.

Confirm this works by using this test Launch page. In addition, authors should Capture a step and Preview content in Intellek Create to confirm.

Once successfully tested, install the MSI firm-wide. This is a requirement for both authors and end-users launching Live Content.

Expanded        Functionality