Flow tab

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Flow tab

The Flow tab is applicable for all Instruction types (i.e., Text, Multimedia, and Form).

Create Instructions - Clip 8

The Flow tab has three sections:  Instruction, Section and Progress. The Edit Pane area of the Flow tab offers some helpful information on how the ribbon buttons will enhance your content.

Instruction Group. This option allows the content to move forward (without user interaction) at a defined period. This setting is very useful if there is an opening or closing Instruction that does not require the user to read or take in large amounts of data. A good example would be an opening Instruction that has a company logo and the name of the content; or a closing Instruction that says they have completed the content and indicates the window will close automatically.

Section Group. This is a complex option that provides both Section options (used for Scoring sub-sections of an assessment, and timing on a specific Instruction. These two settings are not related, but you must define one Section to use the timing options.

oMark as Section:  When selected, a marker is placed in the Instruction Panel and that can be viewed in a Results File or in the Scoring page. This allows for the sub-score of defined section(s) in an assessment.

oMax Completion Time:  Can only be selected if Mark as Section has been selected. This allows the placement of a timer for a specified Instruction. At the end of the timer, the content will advance. This feature is used mainly in assessment content to time tasks.

Progress Group. This group provides two options that are not related:  Indicate Progress and Auto Progress.

oIndicate Progress:  Provides a progress bar to the user while the content is running.

oAuto Progress:  Upon successful completion of a defined task (with captured steps), the content will advance. We recommend this setting be turned on in assessment content. If it is turned off, the user must click the NEXT button in the Content Navigation toolbar to advance to the next Instruction.

TPArrowIf you have users typing information (e.g., completing document properties for a Document Management System profile) or want to ensure an Instruction stays visible to the user while they complete multiple steps, turn off Auto Progress and instruct users to click the NEXT button to continue.