Adding and Importing User Learning History

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Adding and Importing User Learning History

The Import User History process can be used to bulk import external learning history for Users, such as from another platform or training completed outside of the LMS. The Import User History process can also be used to import internal learning history for courses available in the LMS.  

User history can be imported using the Import User History templates provided by Intellek (see below) or through the API.

Using the API

If you prefer to use the API, refer to the API documentation or here at: https://YourLMSURL/docs/index.html?p=api. The API allows you to import 'In Progress' records for courses available in the LMS. We do not currently have an API endpoint for importing other history statuses such as Completed, Finished, Passed or Failed.

expandedImport User History Templates
expandedBulk Import User History - Internal LMS Course History
expandedBulk Import User History - External Learning History
expandedAdd External History on Behalf of a User


If you import a sheet and see a mistake, and need to re-import external courses,  be mindful that a re-import will not overwrite data already imported.

To avoid duplicates,

1.Remove all correct records on your spreadsheet

2.Delete incorrect courses from your LMS User History

3.Correct the mistakes on courses in your spreadsheet
